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Saint Antonius Coptic Orthodox Church was established in Hayward, California in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1976 and it was the first established coptic church serving northern California

The Establishment of the Parish

In July 1970, H.G. Bishop Antonius and H.G. Bishop Samuel visited the San Francisco Bay Area and met with the members of several Coptic families. By the end of 1970 and throughout 1971, the late Fr. Bishoy Kamel started a liturgical service in the area on the first Saturday of every month. Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty continued the Saturday services in 1972 and 1973. The area was blessed between 1973-1975 to receive the services of Fr. Arsanius Aziz, Fr. Rofail Sobhy Mikhail, Fr. Antonius Henein, Fr. Ibrahim Aziz Gindi, and Fr. Felimon Mahrous Mikhail.

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Christ in Sports

Christ in Sports (CIS) is a program for our children and youth. Its goal is to build a generation of youth that are spiritually,…

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We are Coptic Youth Scouts (CYS) has been established 2015 our troop 803 part and member of BSA (Boy Scout Of America). Our goal…

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